Custom Services for Sports Medicine and Sports Performance
Athletes and patients are welcome to combine treatment options listed below when visiting one of Dr. Williams clinics in the Chicagoland area. Some services can be performed on-site for teams or individual athletes as requested. Please contact Dr. Williams well in advance to coordinate schedules for your visit.

Foot, Lower Extremity, Structural and Functional Screening
Objective and rapid scoring of the kinetic chain from the ground up. This includes joint range of motion, structural alignment, and risk of injury summary. Screening can be individual or be done with entire team rosters if needed. Screening can be done on-site or in our Chicago area locations.

Footwear Evaluation and Performance Quantification
Breakthrough Sports Performance can evaluate any teams, athletes or patients footwear options to quantify the performance of the design. Dr. Williams provides an unbiased review of the functional performance of shoe design in relation to the individuals’ foot functional score as well as their custom foot orthotic needs. Shoes evaluated range from recreational sandals to trainers and cleats and any other athletic footwear available.

Comprehensive Gait Analysis
Dr. Williams expertise with gait analysis provides a deeper look at non-contact and overuse injury syndromes. Breakthrough Sports Performance utilizes high-resolution pressure mapping, both in-shoe and mat based methods. In addition, Breakthrough Sports Performance incorporates video analysis and Kinematic shoe analysis for precision cause and effect evaluation and scoring.

Custom Engineered Foot Orthotics
Breakthrough Sports Performance offers the latest advancements in orthotic prescription and fabrication. Every orthotic device is an unique design based on an individual’s foot performance and functional locomotive mechanics. Every device is razor thin and lightweight for both comfort and athletic performance.